Friday, December 9, 2011

om namah shivaya

Om dhyayet nityam mahesham rajata-giri nibham
cara candra-vatamsam ratna kalpo-jvalangam
parashu mrga vayabhiti hastam prasannam
padma-sinam samantat stuta-mam raganair
vyaghra krtim vasanam vishvadyam vishva bijam
nikhala bhaya-haram panca vaktram trinetram

I meditate on the one who shines like white mountains, ornamented by a crescent moon on his head. His body shines like jewels. His left hands hold an axe and the deer mudra while his right hands show mudras of blessing and fearlessness. With beautiful form, and wearing a tiger skin, he sits in full lotus. Celestial beings sing gems of praise on four sides. He is before the universe and the cause of the universe. His five faces and three eyes remove all fears.

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