Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"sthiram sukham asanam" - patanjali

"The connection to the earth should be steady and joyful." -translated by Sharon Ganon

Sometimes our asana practice is anything BUT steady and joyful... but here Patanjali teaches us where we are headed.

Steady and joyful. The practice begins on the mat. Check in with yourself... am I balanced? Am I loving life even though this revolved half moon is kicking my ass?

It starts on the mat and then eventually carries into our daily lives. As we are preparing dinner for our families, are we calm? Are we sending positive energy and divine love into the food we will be serving our loved ones? Or when we are stuck in traffic... are we cursing beneath our breath, sending negative mantras into the world? Or are we sending the Universe gratitude for slowing us down and reminding us to breath?

Steady and joyful... it could time lifetime to experience, but once we do... every moment will be as sweet as savasana!

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